Dude hmu right as game starts wanting to team up and then accuses me of tunneling.

I must admit it's tedious and annoying when a killer camps -- either me or a team mate I wish to rescue. Tunneling can be tedious and annoying too, but I often play as Bill, so I can understand that the Killer would be worried about my perks -- I got tunnled a few times, not too much. However, people should take advantage of that, as I am. I am learning more as I play the game more. Recently played with a camping Hag. That hag killed everyone on the ground, I was the soul survivor. I managed to hide behind some would near an exit gate. I saw the hagwalk up to the switch and place a trap, then walk off. I sneak up to the switch, then activate it. I see the hag in the distance coming in fast (I am not injured by the way). I get the gate open and run through before the hag can hit me and escape.

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