Dude in /r/conservative discussing the Met Gala, somehow making a case for raising minimum wages and reducing wealth of the rich.

I'm gonna be honest, I like AOC and her policies...I think going to the Gala was a bad idea.

It's already kinda the height of rich excess. Going there with a "Tax the rich" dress doesn't come off as a good protest to me, it comes off as trying to have your cake and eat it too.

It's not really protesting if you're still there laughing and hanging out with the people you're supposedly protesting as they are doing something incredibly representative of the thing your protesting. It'd be like going to a police union ball wearing a BLM shirt while there's police outside beating up protesters and you just chill inside and have a good time with everybody.

Like it's just kinda hypocritical on the face of it, and it's nothing to do with the cost, it's just the activity you're supporting by being there in the first place.

/r/SelfAwarewolves Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it