Dude should’ve just payed tow fee now he has to pay for repairs plus the tow fee

There were no signs stating if you park in a red zone you will be immediately towed, and a red zone on private property doesn't automatically give the owner cart blanche to do whatever they want with a car.

Signage is required otherwise it's considered predatory. It's number 2 here :


I admit I was wrong to park in the red no doubt, but the punishment should fit the crime, and for 3 minutes a quick "hey who's car is this, move it now" would have been appropriate.i would have been able to run out as quick as I did and moved it lickity split had I been of and inconvenience to an actual resident. I was just a quick payday to grease tow truck driver, but you can see it however you'd like.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it