
Had one when I was in. I was lucky and had a reasonable CO who basically said he didn't believe in double jeopardy and thought the civilian courts should handle it, so I didn't even go to mast lol. I had just made E-5 so the only punishment I had was that I wouldn't be able to wear the rank for the initial 6-month period where you aren't actually paid for it that existed (still exists?) back then. I got out like a month after that period, so I wasn't really concerned with rank that point lol. I was one of the most widely qualified people they had at the time and was relied upon a lot, so that earned me a lot of goodwill with the CoC. With that said, it was probably one of my only true regrets in life because even though they didn't drop the hammer on me, I know I disappointed a lot of people who respected me.

As far as after getting out, it has barely affected me. I went on to get my undergrad at a top university and get a good job in the financial services industry and not once has it been an issue for employment. Lol probably the biggest issue I've had was being denied TSA Precheck even almost 8 years later. It very well could impact your military career but as long as it doesn't impact your discharge (which is pretty unlikely) you should be okay after getting out. Honestly the biggest difficulty you'll have is yourself. The key to getting past something like this is to make sure it NEVER happens again, so you'll need to have an honest critical look at your life and your choices to determine what led to this so you can prevent it in the future.

/r/navy Thread