Duke of Edinburgh to stand down from royal duties for good

*Another Fun Fact about Ravens*:

Ravens like to drug themselves. They practice myrmecomany (from Old Greek "myrmex" ant, "mania" obsession). The bird sits on the soil or on an ant nest, opens its wings stretched forward, while it curbs its tail toward its belly. In the first step, the bird lets itself be invaded by angry ants and sometimes it picks ants one by one, squashing them a little bit, to introduce them inside the plumage.

Once fully covered by insects, the bird starts executing some bizarre contortions, coiled movements and spins of the body, keeping the head always risen, the feathers extended and saliva over the bill, with an absolutely delighted face. This step lasts roughly 30 minutes. After that, the bird shakes itself to get rid of the ants.

There are plenty of other very interesting things about Ravens! I just quickly googled this one... but honestly if you want to read more about them, I got this one from Here but there are 9 more very interesting facts about them on that page as well.

I actually first learned how cool they were a few years back when I was interested in getting one as a pet... I learned that they are a hand full, very intelligent AND mischievous, live quite a long time.... And are pretty damn expensive if obtained from a reputable breeder. I did not end up getting one due to my living situation at the time and lack of coins.

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