Dumb question about PC reports

So I had about 650 hours on xbox before going to PC now that I can and I know xbox reports are useless. How do the ones on pc work? Can I report this person for false reports? How do I prove I didn't do any of their claims?

Or does it even matter haha

I did not sandbag anyone, I purposely took hits for people since she was tunneling to distract to no avail. Last person on hook she was patrolling and I couldn't get to them. Then we both found the hatch and since I refused to go in it with her standing and she wouldn't take a hit I ran off and finished the last gen, opened the gate and left. Then in chat after I put 'XD' she said she didn't care about the 4k just didn't want to 'give me the hatch'. And this nonsense.

I'm now understanding better why y'all talk so much about salt. It's CRAZY on pc. This turned into a rant.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread Link - i.redd.it