Dumbest trend ever

Some of the replies to you are a tad bit passive-aggressive. But I'd like to help you offer 2 helpful viewpoints. First I hope you don't let media over-inflate your view on traumas, or any issue really. Social media algorithms are all about generating clicks and blowing up both any issues regardless of perspective. As a result, both truthful experiences and exaggerations get chained and inputted together through the algorithm, which ironically takes away from the actual severity of an issue at hand

The second viewpoint I'd like to help you understand, is global perspective of conservatism, assault and abuse. I come from the so called "1st world civilized" South Korea/Hong Kong, yet female celebrities and idols here cannot even date or wear short skirts without being vilified in public. They have train carts in India and Japan just for woman because of how often drunken inappropriate touching, assault, rape and recording under skirts is. All across post iron curtain Eastern Europe, South America, South East Asia, Africa, Middle East there exists virginity slave trades, underage marriage, woman being stoned to death for showing hair or wearing the wrong clothes. It's kinda insane to think about it, but that 97% makes sense if you seek outside the metropolises of the United States and Western Europe. and even than, in rural USA and such, woman are still expected to manage all house chores and take domestic abuse. For bonus context, South Korea elected the most conservative anti feminist President to date, who used Anti-Feminism, "woman shouldn't run their mouth or get beaten" and "sending woman back to the kitchen" to win majority of the male vote. And this is a "1st world country"

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