I have dumped all my toxic friends, Let‘s gooo!

Oh. Yeah. That’s definitely toxic.

I had a similar thing happen with an old roommate.

He made a joke about how my hands looked like I masturbated a lot (but the truth, I masturbate once every two days lol).

This comment came out of nowhere and it put me off to him after.

Then later, he made some comment when he was chatting with his friend (I pretended I didn’t hear him) online and said “yeah.. he just sits at his computer and plays video games and types a lot.. it’s fucking weird.”

When he also sits at his computer/Xbox and plays a lot too - but the only difference is that he uses mics.

After school break, I just sent him a note saying that I’m getting my own room when I come back.

It was so strange. It’s like, we had a good friendship for the first two years then last year it just went down the shit hole and his mindset to me did a complete 180.

Like, one day after a long day before the break, i felt that wall come up almost immediately and it was never the same since.

Strange. I’ll always wonder what changed.

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