Dumpster Diving in NYC

I wouldn't want my daughter having sex with anybody, regardless of race. My point was that growing up it seemed that the black kids in my school had way more confidence when talking with girls. Which would worry me that they would have a better advantage of talking her into having sex. If I found out she was dating a white kid that also was "smooth" with the ladies, I'd worry just the same. The reason I even brought it up was because I know it's racist to think that black people are better with girls then other races, just because the ones I went to school with were. I know it's wrong, but I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't worry me. Again, like I said in the first post, I wouldn't tell her not to, I'd just worry a little more that's all. If the majority of Asians I went to school with were good with the girls I'd think the same thing.

About not telling jokes in front of black people. They are not complete strangers, I've gone out for drinks with a bunch of my co-workers a bunch of times. And it's fair game to bust each other's balls. My Asian coworker can't drive, the Irish guy is a drunk, the Brit has bad teeth. And we all laugh, but nobody will joke bout being black, even though it would be obvious that it was a joke. Like I said, somebody did one time and the black guy laughed his ass off, but it was just awkward for everybody else. That's what I think sucks, if it's obviously a joke, people are still afraid of being labelled a racist.

About the subreddit "coontown". Fair enough, I just remember hearing about it when it was getting banned. I thought it was just jokes, if it was straight up hate speech then I'm sorry for comparing the two.

On a final note. About people being afraid to even bring up race because they are worried about being labelled a racist. In my first post I said I'd worry if my daughter dates a black guy cuz I think he'd have a better chance of having sex with her. Your reply said that I was okay with her having sex with a white guy but not a black guy. That's not what I said, I wouldn't want her having sex with anybody. Maybe I wasn't clear, or maybe you misread it, but now the next guy skims through my post but reads yours saying that I don't want my daughter having sex with black people, then he posts something about how much of a scumbag I am, then it just snowballs from there. Next thing I know I'm getting fired, getting death threats, news cameras at my house cuz its a slow news day. And I'm trying to explain that I just think a black guy would have a better chance of sleeping with my daughter. I'd be fucked for something that I didn't even say. I know that's a bit extreme, but it has happened. I'll even bet I get a couple more replies calling me a racist asshole cuz "I don't want my family to date black people." I replied to someone else saying that Italians would worry me too because they seem to have confidence too, plus girls love the accent. That doesn't mean I hate (or even midly dislike) Italians, hell I'm fucking part Italian. I should have just kept my fucking mouth shut.

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