Dunno if you guys play TDM, or FFA but this is so incredibly true that it hurts.

Jesus christ you console players really are just fucking stupid. like Jesus christ. If most the player base is causal you fucking aut, I think it's safe to say that LITERAL PRO PLAYERS are better than some random on reddit. 100%. What do you think the odds are of coming across some reddit armchair detective that's better than someone who gets paid to play these games for a living. You're aguring a moot point. that's why you think my rebuttals are fucking stupid. the entire premise of the argument is you being an aut.

I would take my chances everyday that 99.99% of the people i interact with on these subreddit are worse than pros. yes. I'd take that fucking chance. dumbass fucking dipshit. keep down voting all my shit because you're fuming. and stay poor on that console you ugly little trog

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