Has the duos pace become glacial, or is it just me?

I got this impression too.

I think it has something to do with the smaller palyerbase : games barely have 4 duos now, which encourage the sneaky approach.

Back when the playerbase was huge, every game was full with, like, 6 duos right?

You could quickly encounter someone, while now, it takes someone.

I, with a buddy, mostly hunt for players now. We see it as a way to safely secure the bounty (we’re better at hunting players, than killing bosses...).

Last week, we unfortunately got both killed by a lone Spark Sniper while fighting a boss. 15 minutes left then, we already eliminated 2 duos and thought we were alone for 20 minutes...

We encountered many duos ambushing. Either it being near the extraction, or near the boss lair.

Yesterday, 1 duo even trapped the whole boss lair, and waited for 20 minutes without shots and attacking the boss. Only to be itself ambushed by another team, a team we then spent another 20 minutes to kill.

We extracted with 3 minutes left with the bounty...

Also, we are still tier 2 players. Maybe it helps?

/r/HuntShowdown Thread