During pregnancy, women should not have complete control over the baby just because they’re carrying it.

Either the doctors or if the pregnant woman has eaten that sort of food for 4-5 days straight.

So are going to have to keep running to the doctor with every disagreement? This sounds like a waste of their time.

I sure as fuck can if they do not have the baby’s best interests at heart, and I do.

Again, how do you validate this? Where is the line being drawn? There is no clear designation short of them want to commit suicide or jump down a flight of stairs.

Any amount hurts the baby. It’s just a matter of how big the impact will be.

Can you 100% validate this statement? This has been researched for awhile and there are as many articles going both ways saying yes and no.

It becomes irrelevant the second you decide to prioritize what you want over what your child needs.

See first point again. At what level do you say that a person decisions have become so negligent that they are no longer allowed to make their own decisions.

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