During the rush hour, Russian streets are especially prone to accidents

Comparing traumatic events isn't usually helpful. You're not trying to heal what happened. You're trying to heal how you react.

Allergies are basically your body's inappropriate response to a foreign body that looks like a threat but isn't. PTS isn't much different.

People who haven't had PTS tend to do a bunch of really weird gatekeeping around PTS. There's really no bar for what level of traumatic event makes you 'okay to be in the club', and that's not a race you want to win at all.

It's way more important to understand how your brain repairs itself on the other side of a traumatic event and how to encourage that healing, because that's where your work is and that work is very similar across all traumatized people.

/r/ANormalDayInRussia Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com