Dutch jihadists should die before returning to Netherlands: Prime Minister Rutte

Part 2:

Imagine you are in a lab with test tubes in front of you. Your job is to see if this substance called Freedom can react in a positive way with this substance called Islam. For that to happen, it should result in the color green. Why green?

This is one of the most important websites that exist on the internet. Add it to your favorites if you like it as well. It uses a 100 point system to judge what country's are free, partly free, not free and abysmal. We also can take a quick look at wiki and see that around 50 country's in the world are Islam majority country's. See each such country as a social experiment. A way to see how Islam worked out for them and how it has related to freedom. From Morocco to Indonesia, we see the same thing. No green. Not a single Islam majority country is green! How is that even possible, even Benin and Peru are green, so this is not a high standard they have to attain. There just is no free Islam country.

They always say that Turkey and Indonesia are such great examples of secular Islam society's. Bullshit. Erdogan is pushing his Islam Agenda through peoples throat like the proper Muslim he is and Indonesia has even come down in the overall ranking (the one ranging from 1 to 7 points). These Islamic poster boys of secularism are going down as we speak, because Islam is an expansionist fascist doctrine, that once it has come up on top in a democracy, starts to undress it's institutions and take the freedom away from people, the same freedom they used to grow and expand. It's a cancer in society and grows as a cancer in society. Why do you think that 1.8 billion Muslims have only been able to muster 2 hard science Nobel prices (the peace ones are because they are always in war and sometimes take a break from waging war) in all their existence. Notice how they have to go to century's ago to come up with some stuff they actually discovered. Muslims that are raised in Muslims nations stand out for not adding to science. Same pattern emerges in patent application. They all underperform drastically compared to their population and GDP. Same pattern we see with sports and in all the indexes, like human development index, happiness indexes, GDP indexes, health indexes, corruption indexes etc. etc., Islam nations stand out in doing shit. Why? Well half their population is treated like inferior, free flowing ideas that collide with their Islam doctrine don't go down well and a whole bunch of other stuff. Notice how they are always angry all the time. A proper nation is calm, collected, future focused, produces inquiring minds that do a lot of reading in the right sources (not ones that are contesting whether the sun is spinning around the earth or visa versa). Islam has the ability to make a nation dumb. This must be as the people of those nations are very talented. Iranians are very talented and smart people. Syrians as well. I was in collage with a christian Syrian and the guy had more talents than me. Quickly he also started to do better than me. These people are not dumb, these nations and people (his whole family except 1 was murdered by Muslims (did I already told you how tolerant their Dhimmi status for Christians works out in reality? They will not shut up about how equal minded on paper it all is) are held back by something and Islam has a lot do with it.

The fun thing is, immigration is the solution as long as we are not allowed to stop all immigration from Muslim country's (basically as long as left liberals are in their state of psychoses). It's imperative that as long Mulsims can come as they want and have more offspring (their growth is more rapid) that immigrants from non Muslim nations counters them a bit. Netherlands just had 12000 Polish people coming over and I welcome them. Western immigrants to counter the Islamofascists any day of the week for me.

I wish you all the luck and I am sorry for having to go through this. I feel privileged to live a country that has tuned down the left liberal raging machine for a bit. At least in this country, the anti Islam party can become the biggest in the country. No many other country's can say that.

Plot Twist: I actually support and am member of the animal rights party in the Netherlands as I always fight for the underdogs and I see them as the biggest underdogs. Humans do horrible things to humans, but what we do to animals, especially in meat industry, is most horrifying for me. I am just raging against Islam as they are a doctrine that also bullies minority's and the weak into submission and conformity. Left liberals have not made the step yet that a minority in a country can actually be a bully with a believing in bully doctrine themselves. I do see this and that is why I am passionate about it.


/r/worldnews Thread Link - nltimes.nl