E-Drama is failure

  1. Baked can't take criticism and feels threatened. Baked is really dumb.
  2. Both Andy and Baked are rats. Andy was going to name Baked's dealer, and Baked keeps drug deal info on his phone, also brought up Andys coke habit live on stream.
  3. These Ecelebs are not part of the "right wing". They are only looking to make a buck and that's it. All of them are liberals trying to profit off of right wing youtube viewers.
  4. Baked supposedly asked Weev to do it.
  5. Baked was pissed at Metokur too, for trying to calm his methed out ass down in his livestream with Erin, Chad and the other meth heads in Bakeds new apartment so he asked Weev to find someone to attack Metokur too.
  6. No idea?
/r/Internet_Bloodsports Thread