[E3 2017] Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds

Seriously that sort of over the top rhetoric really turned me off the game.

Tell me about it. Over at /r/horizon trying to share anything along these lines results in mass downvotes and nasty PM's. People act like I'm talking shit about their kids or something.

It's a game. It's not perfect. Pointing out ways it can be improved upon is beneficial to the developers.

It's very frustrating being shunned from the entire community for being willing to admit the game has faults.

I've tried contacting GG directly and they're ignoring me too. Honestly the whole experience has left a sour taste in my mouth and I haven o plans to buy this Frozen Lands DLC if Guerilla Games continues to flat out ignore me when I try to offer constructive advice.

/r/horizon has really turned me off the game. I try to share weird glitches I find and if anyone does reply its all "hurr durr you're just running around the edge of the map trying to break the game"

When the reality is the very first area I tried to explore had an invisible wall. Then the next area I tried to explore had an invisible wall.

Maybe if you only go from mission to mission you won't see these issues, but I like to explore for fun. I like to peer at something in the distance, like the giant machine south of the starting area, and think to myself, "That looks neat! I want to go check it out!" but then I find out I can't, even though it looks like I can and its on the map.

That frustrates me, and the fact that I can't even discuss this concern on this website frustrates me too. I've had to join different message boards to be able to have objective discussions about HZD.

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