Each quadrant's reaction if Trump sends in the military

Sorry I am not flaired but I am lib-center I guess? I think education and healthcare should be funded but also think everyone should have guns and capitalism and the market isn't all that bad if there isn't billionaires. Abolishing currency just means people will use some other shit and people deserve to make more for doing certain shit.

I have been at the protests in Los Angeles and every single act of aggression was started by police. Every protest can become a riot, and it depends on police reaction. Looters and rioters take advantage of the situation to break shit but the vast majority is going to be peaceful protestors until the 200 cops in storm trooper gear show up. Bring the military in and you will only have people become more radicalized against their government and it will lead to full scale unrest.

Right now the protests are largely unorganized with no central leadership, but for the most part the goal is to remain peaceful. If people aren't antagonized they will be peaceful but there are 40mil people unemployed right now, eviction moratoriums are up, food pantries are empty, COVID testing is being shut down due to riots, and its basically a situation ripe for significant unrest. The military will radicalize people on the edge and draw further divisions between Americans leading to conflict and even potentially civil war.

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