Eager to buy into Alpha, but cautious about doing so.



My concerns are that this game may end up being unable to live up to the hype and promise (just general pessimism - as I'm getting older I'm accepting games can rarely live up to what they promise).

If you go and look at most computer/gaming article they will more than likely make a point of some of the higher priced items and how there not actually available in the game. Now I'll probably get down voted. Anyways. Well in all fairness this is true. It is not in fact what's being sold. I've read the comments so I knowyou understand that what your actually doing is funding the games and in gratuity you get to play around with the some of the game mechanics as and when it rolls out. I'd wager that, the vast majority of us active on this subreddit love the game concept idea and what we have now and have indeed bought in in some way.

But is it worth it. Ohh yess, well that's what we'll all think. Now obviously there is still a chance that somewhere down the line the money runs out or something as equally horrible, but right now everything is fine, and appears to be going to plan. If a smidgen later than we had expected (fps got pushed back roughly a month to overhaul the animations).

Now if you want too get the best idea, of how high will the quality be? Then you have a lot of youtube to watch mostly of 10 for the chairman, Chris Robert's weekly q&A of sorts, that and some of the developer interviews. It really gives you an idea of Chris's eye for detail. Now I didn't know of Chris Roberts before star citizen (I'm too young to have heard of wing commander) but his credentials and previous productions stack up.

That and go look at the retaliator, because Thats the benchmark for finalquality of the game effectively.

Personally right now I do just enjoy walking around and I'll be a lot more satisfied when the planet side module comes out in the next few months (after the fps)

/r/starcitizen Thread