Earliest mention of Nirvana online

I remember the post from AOL but there's not a doubt in my mind that its fake. There's some line in there about waking up from his coma and saying something like "youd think they'd learn to make a decent milkshake!". Why on earth would kurt write that on an Internet message? Oh yea because we know a milkshake is the first thing he asked for when he woke up in Rome. So this is a little known detail inserted into the story to make it sound believable that it really is kurt. There is no other reason for that line to be there, I've read every Nirvana interview archived on livenirvana and not once does he ever mention the food or the drink of the locale. Now all of a sudden the milkshake is bad and so bad that he had to write about it in his "first & only" public Internet statement? The guy whose favourite meal is kraft dinner thinks this milkshake sucked so bad the whole world should read about it? Bullshit- that line is there to be sourced as a piece of evidence, it's a bread crumb were supposed to find and go gee kurt really did drink a milkshake this must be the real him! The only unverified claims in the whole thing is the wild speculation on what the next album will be. Not verse chorus verse stuff either! I guess this kurt never listened to DRM or YKNY- hell why would he be talking about a new album anyway without prompting? In utero was still a new record, 94 kurt wasnt working on a new album especially not one without any verses or chorus's. A couple songs maybe, but no new record. Everything else in that dumb message makes sure to reference every publicly known fact about things that happened to kurt after Rome. It's such obvious bullshit- kurt didn't own no computer or modem in 94 that message is so fake it hurts

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