Early Access Week 8 Update

Like really ? People fanboying over this game wow, nothing but blind comments on "oh it's only in early access".

Stop riding the developers $&@@$ and open your eyes. DayZ, H1Z1 both had the same developer as this game you can't tell me this game is not going to be the same.

Example - Rust in the beginning had a lot of bugs but it was OPTIMIZED. Even a game like hurt world was more optimized in the beginning than this.

Okay so we get an update with little to no performance fixes. After it was made clear the Dev team was on holiday. Really, your game has so many important issues and your whole team goes on holiday ? Uh maybe hard work ethic needs to be in play especially if you make someone pay for your work.

To all of you who say "oh it's running fine on my pc you just have a shit pc" listen your speaking from a subjective point of view if you even know what that means and you need to understand that even high spec pc's arnt getting the performance they should get. The game is so broken to the point where people with 1070s get 50 fps in town on low settings really ( stats will vary) ? You buy one of the best gpus and can't even run the game on high settings? Kk....

Look I really like the gameplay and the concept of the game but if you make me pay for a game that can't at least prioritize performance instead of things that arnt really game breaking that ruins the experience then I'm sorry I think this game is overhyped.

/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS Thread Link - steamcommunity.com