I think it's easier to date a therapist?

Do you want to date someone who knows absolutely everything about you?

I don't think keeping secrets in a relationship is healthy also no matter how much you hide it that's what you were. Aren't therapist trained with these stuff? Like they would have seen many patients like this and don't they understand everyone has such thoughts depending upon the environment you grew up. They are there to reduce those effects which were ignored before.

I don't think they judge you as much as others. Its an illness which you have which went beyond acceptable levels and making your daily life tougher. Everyone deep inside is a human who is very kind and compassionate to others ego, anger, jealousy, depression, anxiety has clouded you and not letting you understand the very nature of being human. I thought this was taught to them so they won't judge us. Wouldn't it be difficult to treat someone by judging them?

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