It's easy to come back in this game. Why are Hero League players so quick to AFK?

You kind of seem like a dick. Just because you play WAY more than the average person doesn't suddenly make you a god or him a newbie. 800 games isn't new to the game. You also act like you're so good that you can predict wins or losses that easily, but don't understand that it might just be a self fulfilling prophecy. You comment on how their attitudes might be bad, but you think it's a good attitude to go into a game thinking you're going to lose?

People aren't good enough at this game and haven't perfected it enough to make games that obvious. I play at 3100+ MMR Rank 1 and there are SOOO many games where looking back you could easily say that the worse team won. I absolutely understand that attitude means a lot in the game, and when you have a team raging at each other it's usually not going to go well. But most people in the game don't actually respond to toxic players, and if you just say "let's just ignore and play please" then in my experience over a lot of games the toxic player just shuts up with no one feeding the flames. You also have literally no clue how the other team is interacting with each other, so how would you know if their attitude is overall worse than your team's?

You just sound so unbelievably arrogant and elitist in your posts. Comebacks absolutely happen. Smart calls to give up tributes and go for bosses or picks that lead to keeps and a few more deaths as they try to stop you. Even players at 3500+ MMR make silly mistakes in games and you can always capitalize on them if you're ready for it. You act like HotS is a well oiled machine that will always behave in a certain predictable way, but in reality you're probably just influencing your own games by your own attitude.

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