I eat you because I love you.

Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation isn't the magically, heavenly paradise for big cats like everyone seems to assume.

|Does he mean well? Yes. Are the animals in a better place than they came from? Yes (for the most part). But |that does not absolve him from criticism in the dangerous way that he interacts with the animals, which |perpetuates a LOT of bad thinking in the public. It doesn’t absolve him from feeding a substandard diet (of |ONLY chicken necks; these cats need a variety of meats and parts of the carcass to have a balanced diet). It |doesn’t absolve him from not preventing breeding, from keeping the cats in dangerous close conditions, from |allowing the public to come and experience these dangerous conditions, from his immature and |unprofessional behavior, or from the heavily suspected declawing of one of his cats. He’s not as bad as a |circus owner, but he talks a big game for someone who’s been in the field for only a year, is a bankruptcy |waiting to happen because he doesn’t say no, and REFUSES to take any suggestions or criticism from people |who have been at it longer than he has and could give him a chance to grow and be better. He refuses to |change, and his inability to try and fix his problematic practices that endanger so many cats and people, AND |hurt his cause is what I fault him for. I am a critical consumer of media and outspoken for animal welfare. |And his practices are a disaster waiting to happen.

He's got a lot of issues, and probably won't be around a long time. And then what to do you think is going to happen to all the cats he's hoarding at his facility?

Being that we're reposting the gif with the same name, I figured this should be reposted too, credit to /u/Teraperf

/r/gifs Thread Link - i.imgur.com