Do you eat the calories you burn off exercising?

Hi, no judgement here, just concern. I’m 5’ tall and 140lbs. It concerns me that your goal weight is so low. Have you spoke with a nutritionist or doctor about all these questions and health expectations? If you go to posts, you’ll see what my (very nude) body looks like (my man and I use Reddit for other things, lol). I do mostly weights/strength training at gym every day for 45-75 min workouts. I eat “whatever” I want so long as I stop eating as soon as I’m full, and yes, I eat slow and stop between bites. I quote whatever because I do eat on the more whole food, from scratch meals side and don’t have a hankering for sweets, alcohol, breads, or processed/premade/junk foods.

I just urge that serious questions are asked to a professional and not Reddittors that might have no clue about nutrition or health. Every body is different and weight on a scale is just an arbitrary number. Go for feeling great instead of chancing a number. More rewarding and the mental benefits will kick in faster. Best of luck!

/r/loseit Thread