i eat at least 3k kcals/day but cannot gain any weight and my weight has dropped to a worrisome level [23F]

Why don’t you take your hostility up to the top of this thread and direct it at one of the top comments who also said stopping the Dexedrine might be a good idea in this scenario.

Are you a doctor? Or are you just pissed off and taking it out on me for some reason? Your reaction to my offering of suggestions as to what might be a solution to OPs problem is unhelpful to the situation. If you have nothing to contribute to the conversation aside from attacking the people trying to help then you, my dear, can do the fucking right off.

Stimulants carry significant cardiovascular risk. Fucking look it up, and direct your outrage at the empirical research that says what I’m saying is true. Those medications should not be taken lightly, but I never said she should just stop them or that people shouldn’t take them at all. Just that it’s worth considering IF she could get by without them, which she can’t, so the point is moot anyway.

If you think doctors always do a great job of prescribing things that are actually in the patients best interest, or do a good job of helping their patients make informed choices about those medications, then I have really bad news for you...not all doctors are good at their jobs, or even ethical. Look at what some doctors did with opiates, telling patients that oxycodone wasn’t addictive or dangerous.

/r/AskDocs Thread Parent