Eating what I want and being fat vs not eating what I want and being in shape and having a shot at a relationship

I think girls dig guys who work on themselves. You don’t have to work on everything, but you can start somewhere. Building a personality isn’t super hard and is just as fulfilling as physical exercise or dieting. Learn a few jokes, practice telling interesting stories from your life, get a simple hobby and if you’re uber passionate about something (even if it’s food) express it. Just recognize what you gravitate towards and make it intentional. In my experience, personality trounces physique by a mile and flaunting cash attracts the wrong people, so you’re covered there. I’ll say this about fitness and food though, do it for yourself. A little exercise and diet moderation goes such a long fucking way. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s your financial situation like ? How much cash is lots of cash ? Ignore this if I’m overstepping. Do the work and hang in there man!

/r/dating Thread