Edmonton high school population boom could prompt radical change.

As a student currently at Strathcona High, I believe it would be a terrible decision to treat EPSB as one giant school campus- transportation would be unreasonable and could seriously interfere with any extracurricular activities. Additionally, the constant shifting of schools for certain options would be very difficult for us as students- many of us struggle with making friends in one school- imagine how hard it would be if you had to go to different schools every day. Additionally, it would be a nightmare for administrative purposes. Think of how hard it would be to keep track of all the marks from different schools, who might all have different grading systems. Furthermore, what about year end exams or midterms? All schools have slightly different exam schedules and it is completely feasible that many exams would override. In conclusion, although there needs to be some modification to the school system to deal with the sheer volume of students, education should not be compromised. TLDR: umbrella campus system= bad. Feel free to contact me for more details from my perspective as a student or for any other inquiries. Email me at [email protected]

By the way, the cover photo for this article is of our bikeathon, which raised 466,881$ this past March, a north American high school record, please check it out at www.fundraise.sconainitiative.ca

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