Educate yourself ☺

We're talking about a wage-gap not an accumulated-wealth-over-lifetime-gap. That's why a lot of people, me included, are not okay with the term. There are many problems that should be adressed, for example that insufficient maternity leave can have a lasting negative impact on a woman's career. But by throwing the "wage-gap" term in front of gullible teenage idiots, you make them upset about complete non-issues. No employer pays his female employees less than their male employees. Not one. They have a similare wage. It's individual life decisions and the choice of profession that lead to a discrepancy in accumulated wealth.

There. Is. No. Wage. Gap.


I often compare 4th wave feminists to the alt-right crowd. Amongst other similarities, like being obnoxious assholes, the nitpicking and mislabeling of problems is one of their most overlapping traits. Saying there is a wage gap is like pointing out that African Americans have a lower IQ. If you break it down into individual numbers, it is true. But both times it ignores significant socioeconomic circumstances who paint the problem in a completely different way.

Tl;Dr: there is no wage gape. An accumulate wealth over lifetime gap, but that's still ignoring the choice of jobs and other social circumstances.

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