Educators: Do you agree early educators need a 25% pay rise & a stronger voice? Only 1-2 days left to endorse the new wage standard!

I actually don’t want or need more money. What I want is my life back.

*I want a free hour every day to plan better lessons. (To clarify, at school, not home). *I want the time to do the admin such as every lesson on Google Classroom within 24 hours. *I want all useless meetings abolished. *I want useful information to be sent in a concise email rather than a 30-minute waffling speech. *I want to be able to leave my work at school. *I want execs, other teachers, office staff, parents and students to stop thinking that my prep time is free time. *I want my compulsory “extras” to be given “with due regard” for the loss of admin time as written into our agreement. *I want to be able to leave 15-minutes early (in a non-teaching period) to attend a medical appointment when I spent three hours at s hook last night for parent-teacher night. Forcing me to apply for a quarter days leave should be criminal. *I want traumatised and disabled kids to get the support they need. *I want mini-Karen’s and mini-Kevin’s to get the “support” they need.

I DO want my pay to meet or exceed CPI … and I want the pay of politicians (who are public servants) not to exceed 1.5 times the pay of the average public servant (teacher, nurse, police etc.)

/r/AustralianTeachers Thread Link -