Efe Atli: "Three decades of checking privilege directly correlate with an astronomical rise in income inequality. The more inequality we have, the more privilege gets checked by more privileged people, and the more the privileged fee power in being aware of their privilege. It grows like a cancer."

  1. This was an opinion piece. If you ever read articles on LBR or NYRB, many prominent and better writers than I have used anecdotes to open a discussion on the theory and practice of various contemporary social phenomena. If you expect someone to write a chemical synthesis of privilege, you might not understand the basic terms of the debate very well (in all due respect).

  2. Yes I was honest, it reminded me of Oscar Grant. Is this illegal? To have thoughts? I explained why it was relevant, if you disagree, then say so.

  3. "Numbers don't lie". This was admittedly jocular, but true. I don't imply causation, and I directly say "correlation". I'm well aware that correlation ≠ causation, that's why I said correlation. However, if privilege-checking was supposed to be about correcting inequalities, it seems to have had negligible effect. Again, I provide reasoning if you read carefully.

  4. "Journalism". Ok, i have worked on serious journalistic projects with world-renowned journalists. I don't know what you think is "good journalism" – but my article was well-written and argued. It was also nuanced and careful, so I think people accustomed to clickbait or provocations will read quickly and not digest each specific word for what it says.

The Facebook post did happen, but I'm not going to violate that person's privacy. The person who made the post is a fairly prominent person on campus, and was serious when she wrote what she did.

The purpose of the article is to encourage a more careful attitude.

Lastly, I like to have fun while I write so yes I intended some of the writing to be funny. That being said, I stand by it and the concern it raises.

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