Effie Deans has joined The Spectator. Yes, Fraser Nelson believes this is high quality Unionism for the cause.

The Spectator is a living example of a Scottish success story that has been completely absorbed by an England controlled, London centric UK much like James I, the Labour party, BP (once a subsidiary of Burmah Oil) and countless other entities that now effectively work for a system that undermines Scotland

This was all foretold in The History of Scotland (1570) by John Leslie who asserts that to allay the concerns of his privy council of the accession of the Scottish King James I to the throne of England Henry VII is reputed to have said:

our realme wald receive na damage thair thorow, for in that caise Ingland wald not accress unto Scotland, bot Scotland wald acress unto Ingland

/r/Scotland Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com