Effie Interviewed (Jason) "had no idea no one liked talking to him." HBO said NO to the roll in the stunt.

Am I the only one who thought this interview was cringe-worthy? To me, this interview only reinforces the idea that Effie has an enormous ego and was always only interested in pushing her own agenda and elevating her own image. I find it all a little pathetic the way she's handling this experience.

I keep thinking of something Peter Farrelly said when Effie was biting his head off about taking Jason to Efilm. He pleaded "you're making a battle where there is none." That's Effie's story here summed up. Effie's own insecurities and baggage have affected the way she deals with everyone and everything.

She's the self-appointed "queen of indie movies" whose work as a producer can't be matched in the "$3-5 million range." Give me a break. Oh, and it's 23 movies now?! Well then.. She had opinions about Fiona's character that Len and others would later echo? Obviously everyone should have hung on her every word from the beginning then, huh? Ridiculous. She was needlessly combative because, as she put it "How else was I supposed to react to that when there are people disregarding me or not taking my expertise?" Get the fuck over yourself.

Don't worry, Effie, no one's going to blame the movie on you. It's not like you really tried to be a part of it anyway. She only does movie's that matter, after all--so you can't fault her for this one, right?

The more I read these interviews with Effie, the more I'm starting to think that she realized early on that the people around her weren't on board with her agenda so she decided to shut down and do only the minimum for the movie. To her, it was always going to be a disaster, as she said in episode four "I will wrap up that disaster in a beautiful little bow and send it out there for 20 days" meaning: "I told you the movie sucked, but don't blame me--I did my part, which was to keep the movie under budget." It was always about her, and no one else.

/r/projectgreenlight Thread Link - buzzfeed.com