Egyptian Judoka Islam el-Shehaby refuses to shake hands with Israeli Ori Sasson following defeat.

That is the core of Islam's teachings. They claim there is only one Quar'an and it can't be corrupted or altered, yet there are right now 3 dozen different versions of it that people have just recently found, each with thousands of errors and phrasings that are completely different that make one person divine, and in the other book in the same verse just a normal man.

Islam wants everyone else to convert or perish. Their Prophet slaughtered thousands of innocents just because they refused to convert, he made fun of africans (black people) by calling them raisen heads, killed them just for fun and took many as slaves, raped slave women and stated full on that you are allowed to rape women who are taken captive, had sex with a 9 year old and wore her dresses, got caught peeing sitting down and made a new command from god on the spot that commanded everyone else to squat when they pee because most people in hell go to go hell for not peeing correctly and so many other horrific things, that I am scared to actually continue typing.

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