Elderly lady wasn't paying attention, ran a red light, totaled my car, and attempted to tell the police that her light "had just turned yellow". I had the video footage to prove otherwise.

While she shouldn’t have lied.

I’m sorry for your car, too.

I always try to see the other side, and this isn’t a criticism of your point of view.

Just try to see life from the other side even when you are right.

Elderly fear losing their license and right to drive in America.

We don’t have mass transit and many elderly subsist on $1100 a month in areas where that doesn’t go very far. Their insurance rates can easily outstrip their ability to maintain insurance.

Also, Uber everywhere outside of condense mega cities, in American sprawling metro areas you can find yourself needing to go 50-75 miles in a day. Only the rich can afford those rates.

In American society, when elderly lose their liberty to drive freely are forced into retirement homes.

It is a fact, retirement homes have higher mortality and morbidly rates when compared to elderly at the same age but who still live independently.

So, in old age, it is a fight to keep yourself being useful and not a bother to society or your children.

While I am not saying this elderly driver is on her way to the glue factory.

It is a distinct possibility, so think of the other side because some day you too will become old and but for the Grace…

audi alteram partem

/r/IdiotsInCars Thread Link - v.redd.it