This is the elders from Orlando. Here's our proof.

Essentially we had an elder that was like 25, had left the church, came back, went on a mission (great story right). But our mission president was a total ass and borderline abusive. Elder Bateman (the 25 year old) who uses to be a radio DJ made weekly “p day morning show episodes” mocking our mission leadership and GA’s (subtle mocking). He was sent home (somehow honorably) and 1/3rd of the mission was called in for a special meeting to decry him as an apostate (I hear he is active to this day and one of my only lds friends I still associate with). I could post a link if you want.

The one that did him in was “Diso elders of the Book of Mormon” which was having missionaries from Book of Mormon doing call ins and being berated by district leaders.

Listening to one of my idols being slandered by a man I knew was an asshole started cracking my shelf.

/r/exmormon Thread Link -