Electron is Cancer

Ahhh yes the monthly 'electron is shit' brigade.

Did you know this same article was posted in this very sub 2 months ago by /u/bluepandacode who couldn't resist the circlejerk.

Did you know electron is literally flash for the desktop?, this was brought to us by /u/z3t0.

3 months ago, we were ORDERED to say NO to Electron by our dear friend /u/renatoathaydes.

It has also come to light electron has bad parts, insightful posting courtsey of /u/doom_Oo7.

Apparently, native code is still better, a nugget of wisdom gently carved out by /u/joseph-hurtado.

What will it be next month? Tune in to /r/programming to find out!

/r/programming Thread Link - medium.com