Elevated lesions on daughter's foot, details in comments

She first started with what looked like a ring of 5 small BB sized cyst like spots on the top of her foot in October 2016 as seen here - https://imgur.com/a/adxawL1

This has evolved to what she has today, several raised reddened patches on the top of her foot, and a couple raised reddened line like areas around her ankle. They do not itch, she reports no pain, no flaking or scaling of the involved skin, and they’ve slowly evolved to what you see today. Her pediatrician has seen the areas since the beginning, isn’t concerned, but I’ve scheduled a dermatology evaluation. Hoping for some suggestions of what this might be so I can research during the wait for the appointment. Thanks!!

Current area pics -



/r/Dermatology Thread Link - i.redd.it