ELI5: Why are some people born with the ability to create dank memes but others aren't?

Literally came here to say This.
ctr + f
It's called the dank meme gene, and everybody is born with it (thank Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve). However, the trait is almost never active when you are born.
There is a secret to unlocking this "godlike" power:
Expose yourself to as many dank memes as possible, eac h and every day (especially important for infants).
Blaze that fucking dank ass weed.
Make sure your fedora is secured tightly. Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take that mother fucker off for ANYTHING! If someone tells you to do so, give that fedodo a healthy tip. You'll be surprised at how quickly they change mind.
Thank mr. Skeltal
Do not be Hitler, Unidan, or Comcast...ever. (Jenny's are OK, as long as grill)
Practice these 10 easy steps and you'll be on your way to making dank memes in no time. (No need for you to worry OP, obviously) You can actually feel the power running through your veins when you achieve this level of dankness, it's the most euphoric experience you will ever have in your life.
Remember: bein meemy, ain't easy!
Edit: Grats on the gold! Edit: what!? Downtokes?...Seriously? Edit2: ayyylmao
Was not disspapinted

Google search
http://www.reddit.com/r/circlejerk/comments/2x8bae/eli5_why_are_some_people_born_with_the_ability_to/ + It's called the dank meme gene, and everybody is born with it (thank Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve). However, the trait is almost never active when you are born. There is a secret to unlocking this "godlike" power: Expose yourself to as many dank memes as possible, each and every day (especially important for infants). Blaze that fucking dank ass weed. Make sure your fedora is secured tightly. Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT take that mother fucker off for ANYTHING! If someone tells you to do so, give that fedodo a healthy tip. You'll be surprised at how quickly they change mind. Ayyy! Thank mr. Skeltal Do not be Hitler, Unidan, or Comcast...ever. (Jenny's are OK, as long as grill) Practice these 10 easy steps and you'll be on your way to making dank memes in no time. (No need for you to worry OP, obviously) You can actually feel the power running through your veins when you achieve this level of dankness, it's the most euphoric experience you will ever have in your life. Remember: bein meemy, ain't easy! Edit: Grats on the gold! Edit: what!? Downtokes?...Seriously? Edit2: ayyylmao

Literally this!

/r/circlejerk Thread Link - i.imgur.com