ELI5: Cultural Pluralism

Cultural pluralism is when a larger society with a distinct culture contains smaller groups which all have their own distinct cultural identities and values while also having the identity of the larger culture. This is distinct from multiculturalism in that a multicultural society does not have an umbrella culture which all of the smaller groups also belong to. The United States is an example of both multiculturalism and cultural pluralism. There are diverse groups with practices and values that differ from the dominant American culture but are still accepted, and those groups have an American identity and American values in addition to their distinct cultural identities and values. Examples of this pluralism are African Americans, Asian Americans, and Muslim Americans to name a very small segment. However, it also exhibits multiculturalism in that there are groups with cultural identities that are distinct and do not share the same larger cultural identity, creating isolated cultural pockets within the larger culture. Societies typically aspire to cultural pluralism, as opposed to multiculturalism, as it maintains a unifying larger identity and implies a tolerance of diversity.

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