ELI5: Depressive realism

According to you. And according to me it isn't.

"Don't grumble, give a whistle..! And MAYBE life will turn out for the best?"

It's a big maybe but the thing I feel, is that we have the choice to make Our Life the Bright Side of Life.

You can choose to be numb, or choose to smile. Now, I don't know how the inner machinations of our body works exactly, but I feel better when I smile.

Nobody can understand you just like how you can't understand everybody else. But as sentient beings, we have the ability to empathise.

We have choices to make, but you can choose the order of importance to you. Even not making a choice is a choice.

Negative feelings aren't wrong, but they are just feelings and nothing more. Just like how we are human. Nothing less or more.

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