ELI5: Why/how are there many more girls then boys in fine arts schools?

Even though not all fine arts are like that, (example: music, I studied composition and there was just 1 girl every 15 guys). It has to do with culture, society and gender roles.

I live in Chile, so I can only give you my opinion regarding my own experience here.

So, hey women are treated different from man since they are born, they get barbies, pink stuff, and a lot of pencils of different colors to paint stuff. While men will get cars and max steel kind of stuff.

A man who doesn't provide food for the family is looked as a failure for society while, a man who earns less than his wife feels inferior... So I also studied at an engineering school and there where 70% men. Additionally, unless you are quite successful you wont be making much money with fine art.

Men are reinforced to be intelligent in the traditional way (math and such stuff), even if the higher grades are almost always by girls at school, girls never consider themselves as brilliant, that's for boys. On the other hand, women are reinforced to be worried about aesthetics.

Traditionally all high position, high earning jobs get a high rate of men/women. I've got to clear up that this is not to my liking at all, but is everyday life here. It is up to us to change it.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread