ELI5: How does sleep debt/build up work?

I said the complications of sleep deprivation is in the process of killing me. The doctors never said anything about prions but a DNA test was done to aid my diagnosis.

To my knowledge sleep deprivation has never killed anyone.

I can only go by what the 30+ doctors over the last 8 years have told me.

If you are a medical doctor or know of one who specializes in rare numerological conditions, please let me know.

I have been told there are currently 3 doctors in the USA that can properly diagnose, treat, and perform surgery if necessary.

1 in LA 1 in NY 1 in Chicago

My family and I are desperate for hope or a different prognosis, but I am where I am.

My choices of medical care are slim to none.

I have been through the ringer in terms of medications and they just don't work.

Just a few months ago tests showed that my kidneys were failing "struggling " because of CHRONIC SLEEP DEPRIVATION.

I am prescribed end of life comfort medications because of CHRONIC SLEEP DEPRIVATION.

So please oh please whoever you are, please tell me how they are all getting this so wrong?!?!


I am fucking wasting away. No one recognizes me because of all the weight I have lost.

My family is scared because of everything the doctors have told them. If they are full of shit then of course I would be full of shit since I am repeating what the best doctors have told us.

I guess I won't die of sleep deprivation but I will die because of complications of chronic sleep deprivation.

This has been my life for 8 years now. I can't work or sleep so this health issue is on my mind 24/7 to find a way to extend my life.

So please, if you know of a doctor please oh please PM me.

And honestly I am going to delete this because i have given way to much personal info and it's upsetting to talk about.

I am sorry if I don't have all the answers, I am going off my memory since I haven't been able to see the neurosurgeon in over 5 years.

I have access to a family doctor, sleep doctor, and regularly get in house visits from a home nurse (to run monthly urine and blood tests).

I wish it wasn't true, maybe it isn't?!?

That would be so fucked up I would go ballistic.

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