ELI5: How is it that our brain can perform complex calculations sub consciously for an action, such as calculating the angle and force of a perfect long throw, but struggles to calculate the actual numbers in our head?

Calculating the angle and force of a perfect throw in terms of numbers is something you do with your frontal cortex, whereas the act of actually making that throw is coordinated by the cerebellum, which is an entirely different part of the brain at the back of your skull which handles all the muscle memory stuff for you. This part of the brain is not thought to be conscious at all and it is instead directed by the frontal cortex, which is where the decision to throw the object, where you want it to land etc. is made. The cerebellum has roughly the same number of neurons as your frontal cortex, and learns the muscle memories needed to perform actions via trial and error and feedback from the conscious mind (think of learning to shoot a hoop, play a tune on the piano etc.)

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread