ELI5: Why/how do some people hold the belief that only white people can be racist?

I like simplicity, but this is far over simplified. A couple of interesting things came from that article.

"Perhaps most surprising is that among men, all racial groups preferred another race over their own."

Another thing to consider, at least on the men's choices, are obesity rates among different races. In this article, http://stateofobesity.org/disparities/ , you see that 56.6% of black women are obese, compared to 44.4% for Latino women and 32.8% for white women. I had to find a different article to give obesity rates for Asian women, and it turned out to be 11%. As far as men's choices, it seems to correlate with obesity rates more than racial choices. As for women's response rates to men, this can be explained a couple of ways, although I'm not saying an element of racial predispositions does not come into play. Studies show that women prefer taller men, and since Asian men and Latino men are substantially shorter on average than white and black men, that excludes them from being responded to most frequently. From there, we are left with black men and white men as the obvious choices. From there, we can narrow it down a couple of ways that are purely physical. Ratios for facial characteristics play a large part in how we rate people's attractiveness. Nose width and lip size are two characteristics which are, on average, larger in black males and further from the "golden ratios" that are fairly accurate in defining facial attractiveness, not just in blacks and whites, but in all races. One of the best indications for attraction to another person is lip size. Women generally prefer medium-sized lips. Another characteristic is hair type. While some people really love extremely curly hair, which is most common in black men, most women prefer straight, wavy, or curly hair. You'll find straight and wavy hair most in white, Latino, and Asian men, but Asian and Latino men are already out because of average height.

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