ELI5: If dying of old age is not an actual cause of death then could one live indefinitely(not immortal) provided they have enough money and a constant supply of vital body parts to replace with?

Wow that is really depressing =(.

At that point even if you could replace your vital parts with someone else's indefinitely at that point you'd likely be having to do it on a weekly basis to keep up with the rapid degradation. It would be so painful it would likely not even be worth living anymore.

Thank you for your answer.

Although I am still curious how long do you think someone could pull off this extreme extension of life? We know the current average life span is in the ball park of 80 something years(often more depending on genetics which in my families case mid 85 to late 90s has been common and one may have even made it to 102 but died falling out of bed). If I am not mistaken the main cause of death is typically heart related if I am not mistaken. Taking that into account do we know how long the average telomeres lasts before being completely destroyed(assuming one lives that long without other complications prematurely ending their life)? Surely one could make it at least that far with the extreme measures taken even if it seems hopeless beyond that point.

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