ELI5: Why is it so important for humans to have a balanced nutrition but not for animals?

  1. we are not wild animals. we are animals, but we aren’t feral and in the wild. we have many food options. way more than any wild animal could dream of. we are also much more sedentary than 99% of wild animals, obviously
  2. wild animals are not healthy. most have parasites, fleas, kidney disease, liver disease, you name it. they do not live to their expected life expectancy in the wild. animals in the zoo tend to live longer because we give them the proper nutrients for their species (we track their macros, essentially). so no, they aren’t more healthy than we are, because we live to see old age. wild animals dont. dying young of a disease brought about by a diet is the epitome of being unhealthy. your average wild animal is not healthy.
  3. they have adapted to survive on the nutrients present in their environment (again, they won’t survive to old age, but they will survive). we have so many different types of food available from different environments that it’s easy to have a diet lacking in nutrients (see my iodine deficiency example)
  4. again, unhealthy and/or fat westerners are that way because they do not follow recommendations that span a century. they eat too many calories, sugar, fat, and sodium, among others. they then develop heart disease, diabetes, kidney stones, etc. again, as i said, they do not follow the recommendations. the ones who do and track their macros are, the unhealthy ones do not and that is why they are unhealthy. being a chronic overeater of fat is really bad for the heart. being a chronic overeater of sugar can give you diabetes. these things are scientifically proven
  5. i have a hard time seeing your narrative here. how do you think westerners are getting fat? because they’re following the food pyramid and recommendations from the USDA, etc.? is that your point? what exactly does the us government, the country with one of the highest rates of obesity, recommend when they make statements about food groups and nutrients that is making americans fat? what is it? what is making the westerners fat and unhealthy?
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