eli5: Why is it impossible to imagine new colors?

Why can't it have meaning? Use your imagination, stretch numbers into colors with this new number as a bridge, it's fun. You have 18 beans, you add another, it becomes bzerpteen. Now if you add another, you will have a yellow. Yellow is a yellowness. It is uncountable. Add more beans to adjust the hue.

With this new number, the laws of physics have changed. It is important when you have 18 of something to be very careful to only add 2 or more things at a time (bringing the number to 19 or above), because adding 1 will make it bzerpteen and will put the thing in question on an unalterable path to becoming colors.

If you say that still sounds like nonsense, that's because we live in a world where that number doesn't exist. Of course it doesn't fit into our real life math models, which are all based on numbers that do exist.

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