ELI5: I've read that male testosterone levels are strongly dependent on race, but my teacher says this is just racism (which was kind of a confusing answer). Is there a dependence?

Depends on what you mean by race, which is a social construct - meaning the distinctions are completely arbitrary. For example, Obama is colloquially a "Black" President but his mother was White American and his father Kenyan. But then, maybe he was a "Brown" President because his skin is lighter colored than some Africans. But some refer to South Americans and Middle Easterners as "Brown" in the same breath. As you see, it is completely arbitrary.

Depending on how you slice up humans into "races" you're going to be able to find certain trends. Whenever I hear "racial differences" I first ask "what do you mean by that?" What are the distinctions being made and why are they being made, and does it make sense in the context being used?

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread