ELI5: Why to people shake when experiencing an intense orgasm?

Hmmm ... sounds like tinnitus.

Let's look at the physiology of orgasm. There are four phases of the human sexual response cycle: the excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasmic phase, and resolution phase. During the excitement and plateau phase, the heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure go up. Some muscles contract voluntarily and others involuntarily. This arousal and increase in excitement psychologically and physiologically climaxes—pardon the pun—in the orgasmic phase. The orgasmic phase in males is said to last ten to 15 seconds, and in females longer. Sex increases the production of oxytocin (the feel good hormone), which leads to the release of endorphins (natural morphine). A complex interplay of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems occurs during orgasm. This is then quickly followed by the resolution phase, which allows the muscles to relax, blood pressure to drop, and the body to slow down from its excited state. It is during this resolution phase that some have experienced tinnitus with or without hearing loss.

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