ELI5:Why do we physically feel certain thoughts and emotions?

It seems to me that meditation is becoming more and more popular in modern society and less of a mystical eastern thing. I also believe that, while meditation is a life long practice and something that can take a lifetime to really "master", you can feel benefits from your first session. I encourage anyone to try it out - just for 10 minutes.

I do have respect for Headspace, an american company that does a lot to demystify mindfulness and teach people how to incorporate it into their everyday lives. If people are interested in trying it out, I'd encourage them to get the app. There you can try it out for 10 days and see if you like it. (and you can keep doing the 10 days if that's all you want)

But yeah, while it's gaining more popularity, when I talk to people about it, the general consensus is "yeah, I would love to do meditation! That would be amazing" When I ask what's stopping them, they usually say something along the lines of "I could never do that, my mind is too active" - well, that's literally the whole point of doing it :)

By the way, it's not like I walk around fanatically preaching meditation to people, but when it comes up people are generally interested and I like talking about it!

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